Pathways for Individuals
Seeking individual support for alcohol and other drug issues.
Initial assessment and referral pathway
When you first face navigating alcohol or drug treatment, it can be overwhelming. Too often, finding the right support can be frustrating or expensive. Clients will question whether they need detox treatment, counselling support, peer support, rehabilitation, or a combination of these. We believe starting out shouldn’t be complicated or inaccessible.
At Lumera, we provide you with a clear, personalised pathway through the recovery journey. We listen carefully to your treatment goals to ensure you’re matched and connected correctly to the best treatment and support pathways available.
Our initial assessment and referral appointment includes undertaking a comprehensive face-to-face assessment specific to your goals and needs. Education, skills and strategies will also be included in this 90-minute session. An individualised treatment and recovery pathway plan will be formalised at the completion of your appointment.
Following an initial assessment, Lumera will:
Write a comprehensive and detailed assessment report suitable for your GP and other service providers.
Facilitate referrals to services and agencies agreed upon in the recovery pathway plan. We pride ourselves on using a “warm referral” process. This means that we advocate for you and introduce you and your specific needs to service providers (instead of simply giving you a phone number and expecting you to help yourself).
Liaise in detail with your GP, specialists or other current service providers via phone, face-to-face consultation or written correspondence.
Liaise with family and significant others to further advocate for you. We provide them with education and reassurance while helping them to understand their role in your recovery. We take the opportunity to link family and significant others into support for themselves. We thoroughly understand systemic therapy and are mindful of the importance of engaging family and significant others in your recovery. Please note we will only engage family and significant others with your consent.
Undergo further research to discover resources, services and strategies individualised to your needs.
Please note that all clients entering Lumera Recovery Pathways must first undertake an initial assessment.
Find your path.
Lumera can guide you through this complex journey to a better place.
Detox preparation appointments
Although it is often exciting and liberating to have been assessed, accepted, and be waiting for placement for detox; it can also be a time for anxiety, worry or confusion. Often there is still a significant amount of ongoing suffering experienced and you may also be subject to clinical risk.
Preparation appointments help ease these worries and ensure any clinical risks are monitored. Lumera will assess your clinical presentation and make recommendations to promote your safety.
Lumera has an excellent understanding of how the detox process is managed in both the home-based/community and inpatient settings. We provide extensive education about these processes. In addition, we will work with you to enhance your skill set and promote alcohol or drug reduction where possible.
These preparation appointments are a perfect opportunity to plan for what you want your life to look like beyond detox – to add colour and shape to the journey onward. We don't want to see our clients being courageous enough to enter detox, only to come out of that process to relapse shortly after. That’s why these sessions’ main focus is on relapse prevention.
Following this, Lumera will:
Provide clinical documentation
Write a progress report
Consult with the nominated detoxification agency or service in regard to client presentation, risk, and progress via phone, face to face consultation or written correspondence.
Liaise with your GP, specialists and other services to minimise clinical harm if required via phone, face to face consultation or written correspondence.
Update and consult family members and/or significant others at your request.
Undergo further research to discover resources, services and strategies individualised to your needs.
Please note that not all of the above tasks will be required. At Lumera it is always dependent on your individual needs.
Please also note that clients booking into this appointment option must have had an initial assessment with us.
Support, when you need it.
Our ongoing coaching support assists with what’s often the hardest part of a recovery journey.
Relapse prevention and recovery coaching
Once a period of abstinence is achieved, it can be easy to think that everything will be fine. Unfortunately, this isn’t always the case. People often suffer a great deal of shame relapsing back into old habits – this is where relapse prevention support and recovery coaching is crucial.
Our ongoing coaching support assists clients in maintaining positive habits. After all, there’s no straight line when it comes to recovery. Challenges are guaranteed to come, so we want to be there to walk this path with you. Stay on track and live the life you want. Lumera’s coaching appointments are an ideal safe space, free of judgement, to check-in and reflect on your progress through recovery.
We explore ‘what works’ and ‘what doesn’t’ when it comes to your plan.
We reflect on the skills you’ve developed and introduce new skills and strategies. We will review your current treatment and support. We may recommend other options to supplement or replace those already in place to optimise your recovery. And, we will research new and innovative ways to enhance your recovery pathway.
These appointments are recommended following a detox, during sobriety or a period of non-problematic alcohol or drug use.
Following this, Lumera will:
Provide clinical documentation
Write a progress report
Consultation with your GP and current treatment agencies and service providers regarding progress through phone, face to face consultation or written correspondence.
Update and consult your family members and/or significant others at your request.
Undergo further research to discover resources, services and strategies individualised to your needs.
Please note that not all of the above tasks will be required. At Lumera it is always dependent on your individual needs.