Pathways for Employers

Helping you address and minimise the harms of drugs and alcohol in the workplace.

Staff in-service

Lumera can facilitate Q&A style discussions to discuss alcohol and other drug issues in the workplace and beyond. We cover topics like how these issues present themselves, tackling stigma, the treatments available, and how Lumera can help those struggling with alcohol and drug problems.

Organisational Training

Targeted at managers, our organisational training spotlights the methods and procedures for preventing, recognising, addressing, and managing alcohol and drug issues within the workplace. This training also covers healthy ways of having alcohol in a work context.

EAP & wellness team referrals

We support EAP (Employee Assistance Program) providers, and health and wellness teams via referral to Lumera, to support your employee’s effective recovery.

Life, in focus.

Bringing clarity back to life, align and live by your goals and values.

Ready to start your pathway?

See what options we have available for you.